Monday, September 30, 2019
The dark comedy Scotland, PA relates the story in an understandable manner
1. The original Macbeth takes place in the 11th century Scotland, while Scotland, PA takes place in the American 1970s. Thousands of historical events and many generations set these two time periods apart. Yet, while the time span seems immense, noting really changed in human nature. People undoubtedly were and remain social creatures who intensively struggle for their rights, and, in extreme circumstances, power. Of course the setting of Medieval Scotland and modern America contrast each other, but what doesn't change is the characters' drive. Both in the play and in the movie, Macbeth wants recognition and rewards for his work, whether it will be a throne or a boss chair. Macbeth and his lady want to emancipate themselves from subjection and be the ones to take control. Thus the issues of social struggles are visible throughout both versions. Another human quality revealed is the abuse of power. In the original Macbeth, the lovers become absolute, despotic rulers of Scotland. They throw feasts, rejoice in their glory, and, unfortunately, often forget about their subjects. Although the film couple does not obtain this much control, its excessive pride does shine through. Pat used to complain about her boss, but once she herself took the position, she didn't change any of the things she disliked not so long ago. She couldn't remember an employee's name, annoyingly calling him ‘Richard,' and wore beautiful clothing, while the employees wore ugly, orange uniforms. Additionally, in both versions, Macbeth falls under pressure. In persuading her husband, Lady Macbeth uses her eloquence to achieve her greedy means, while Bet cunningly employs her charming looks. Macbeth also lets the witches/hippies guide him, albeit he suspects that they aren't the best advisors. It must be admitted that Scotland, PA did lose some of Macbeth's themes by switching the time setting. For instance, there are no battles between Norway and Scotland, no problems with the tyrannical ruler, no loss of followers, and no strong social dissatisfaction. However, the unrest and struggle between the subjects and the state can still be observed, only in the form of the workers versus the Duncan's restaurant. It can even be argued that the narrowing of the population circle serves well, because the struggles of the workers are easier to follow. 2. Macbeth is a noble work of literature that for many centuries was accessible only to the elite or educated people. By adapting the play into a film that contains things familiar to everyone, the creators of the film gain a larger audience. Now, the viewers don't have to relate the events to history or have any background information on the beliefs of the age. Keeping the work up to date also makes it easier for the audience to relate to it, while the themes of revenge, manipulation, guilt, and fate are well preserved. Additionally, for people who are familiar with the actual play the movie is particularly interesting. It is entertaining to parallel the events of the play with those on the screen. On the one hand, some details are cut out or diminished. For instance, instead of the commander's acclaim of Macbeth's performance on the frontline, the viewers see a scene in which Joe throws two troublemakers out of the restaurant. On the other hand, some events are completely new to the plot. For instance, the play avoids the actual killing of Duncan, while the film clearly shows how he gets boiled. If in the play the murder was intentional, in the movie the murder is shown as a result of Macbeth's carelessness. Other events are interwoven strictly with the original plot. For instance, Pat's guilt manifests itself as a burn that cannot heal, and the viewer immediately recalls Lady Macbeth's famous sleepwalking. The alterations in the plot somewhat dilute Shakespeare's tragedy, but yet keep it recogniza ble. Of course the â€Å"descending†of Macbeth to such level is open to criticism. For instance, conformists and lovers of classics would argue against such a rebuilding of Shakespeare's work. They might view the cutting out of important scenes and Shakespearean language and addition of too many kisses and curses as a bad reflection of modern culture. Also, if in the play there are slight hints on Macbeth's intellectual level, in the play he is openly displayed as a dummy. I would also agree that this is a wrong interpretation of his character, that doesn't look in the depth of him inner conflict. From my own standpoint, I would say that it has to be kept in mind how much time passed between the two versions. I would appreciate the way this film finds an inventive approach and risks standing out from the rest of the interpretations. 3. Scotland, PA completely revolutionizes the play by turning it from a tragedy into a comedy, and thus missing some of the play's serious issues. The film is also visibly low budgeted and should probably be viewed as an experiment. Nonetheless, through comical approach the film serves a purpose of social criticism. Morrissette satirically comments on fast-food, small towns, and culture of the 1970s. The viewer recognizes the people, the shops, the cars, and many other aspects of the 70s, but this recognition comes through a new light. By watching the events unfold from a side, the viewer sees how the lack of opportunities in the 70s created the most appropriate atmosphere for greed, lust, and dishonestly to proliferate. Since the film is an overall comment on human greed and desire for leadership, it can be viewed as a subliminal message about Richard Nixon, who covered up the Watergate break-in that led to his resignation. However, from a positive side, the viewer gets acquainted with the goodness of the age. For instance, the witty slang of 70's Middle America, the clothing, and the sneaky fellows introduce the culture of the time. Also, the soundtracks play the Bad Company's songs, which were extremely moving and valuable to the youth of the 70s. The youth itself is very well portrayed with Malcolm as a rock ‘n' roller, and Donald an enigmatic gay teenager. The progress and innovation are also showed in how Macbeth invented the â€Å"drive-thru†in the restaurant. This is the time when some of the major corporations begin to arise and attract customers. For example, in the matter of a few weeks after it underwent the renovations, the restaurant skyrocked in its popularity. 4. Many students have trouble following the events in Macbeth and interpreting Shakespeare's complex language. The dark comedy Scotland, PA relates the story in an understandable manner, but spares students of the real Shakespearean classic. The adaptation is oversaturated with its own whimsy, which obliterates most of the drama in the play. Shakespeare's dictions, allusions, and symbols, which are essential to the play, are completely obliterated. Instead, the addition of the references to the 1970s forces one to view the play as â€Å"American-made.†By over-simplifying the play and giving it new cultural references, the creators leave only superficial plot references to the tragedy. Thus the highly intellectual ideas that Shakespeare incorporated in his work are lost along the way. Very clever writing and great casting make this a comedy that is fun to watch even if one is not familiar with the source material. However, the adaptation can supplement the understanding of the play, but absolutely cannot take its place in the school's curriculum. The witches as three hippies, Duncan as a hamburger joint owner, Banqo as a hamburger seller, and Macbeth and his wife as self-advantageous couple undoubtedly may help the youth to perceive the characters' relationships. However, their original connections and motivations are not demonstrated in-depth. For example, the desire to become a King is much more powerful than desire to become a restaurant's owner. Similarly, predictions given by supernatural beings are much more convincing than those given by the three hippies on marijuana. Thus the power Shakespeare invested in his play is indeed undervalued and â€Å"dumbed-down.†5. It sure was an original decision to give Macbeth a new birth by bringing it into the American 1970s. Although low-budgeted, the film literally re-builds the 1970s. This is partly achieved through shooting the film in a Canadian suburb that resembles the 1970s' streets. The shooting in the Nova Scotia, whether planned or serendipitous, adds a nice touch to the film production and even more unexpected irony to the modern interpretation of Macbeth. The switch of the settings may seem dramatic, but the Moorissette's underlying message is that human nature applies to every historical period and section of society. One can be a dignified man in 11th century Scotland, a homeless guy in American 1970s, or any other person in any other place and time, but the humiliation and power games will always exist. The adaptation proves that although Shakespearean epoch passed, his work is still appreciated in America. 6. On the one hand, Macbeth has always been considered one of the literary world's most celebrated tragedies. It is possibly the darkest and most gruesome of Shakespeare's plays. Scotland, PA steals all of the play's seriousness by turning it into something sloppily simple and funny. If the original version centered on characters' development, the reworking was unable to create characters of even the slightest interest and fully show how they change after their gruesome actions. The result is a lifeless film, which is only saved by its setting and soundtracks. The film will most likely be enjoyed by someone who knows absolutely nothing about Shakespeare, because those who know the original work would view Scotland, PA as a silly parody. Also, although much gets cut out, the added details get unnecessarily overcomplicated and the film gets unexciting. On the other hand, Scotland, PA stays on the task. It has many parallels with Macbeth and enhances some of its themes. Major themes from the original work: revenge, guilt, self-doubt, fate, and prophecy still exist in this manipulated adaptation, even in a new light. These themes are revealed straightforward through peculiar, funny, and incredibly well-conceived approach. The adaptation is also educational, for it shows an interesting piece of American history. For teenagers like me, the setting in the 1970s is very exciting to see because this is the time of our parents' youth. So looking at contrasting young characters – bold, rebellious Malcolm and gentle Donald – it is interesting to think about to which extreme our parents appealed. Also, the portrayal of vegetarian lieutenant McDuff and suspicious Banconi captivate the reader. Actors who played these two characters, in my opinion, showed the best effort and understanding of the actual characters in Macbeth. With both its drawbacks and its wonderful additions, Scotland, PA causes a lot of mirth and leaves the viewers with positive impressions.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Emphasis of Evolution in Texas Science Curriculum Essay
Evolution is known to be the change of the inherited behaviors to a given crowd of living organisms from one given characteristic to the other (Futuyma, 2005). Scientifically, these changes are believed to be caused by the mixture of three significant progressions; of which includes the variation process, the reproduction together with the selection. The behavioral characteristics of a given item vary according to the given population in a location. Biologically, the process is known to be that of the change in the behavioral characteristic of an individual and it is believed that whenever an organism reproduce its young one, they new organism either posses new characteristic or an altered characteristic of the individual (Maynard, & Szathmary, 1997). Thus, we can say that, evolution may occur whenever the original behavioral characteristic of a given item is traced in the new produced item or organism. Literature Review Evolution occurs when these heritable differences become more common or rare in a population. With this idea, may process in the today world have also been under going evolution so as to obtain the best to serve their people. Thus, in this particular paper, we are going to see on the emphasis of the evolution in the Texas science curriculum and see on the way they have affected the system in the region. To be able to understand this idea better, we have to look at the theories that have been formulated for the sake of the evolution in our science world. Darwin’s, have been one of the scientist who have majored in the formulation of the evolution theories that do exist to date. First, there is the theory of evolution basing on the premise, of which he imagines that, improvements of the life from the non-life and pressures a entirely naturalistic in this he suggests that the change in the way of doing things tend to be more of natural than that of trained effort (Denton, 1996). With this, he also assumes that the evolution process the recurrent characteristic of the individual tend to select the good ones only and fade off the negative attribute from the society, and with this, the process has been presumed to be that of slow but sure and thus no one should speed t up as might end up adapting the negative attributes from the past. Darwin’s hypothesis has been also the one for the calamity in the brightness of the tremendous advances that they have made in most of the science subjects in the education system. In the Texas science curriculum, this have been used to advocate for the ignorant in the country and because of this, the scientists tend to think that they have to do something in the nation so as to enlighten the education system in the country. With this, the country have been able to come up with three evolution critics of which they are put in place so that they can be bale to evaluate on the anticipated curriculum customary for the sciences courses in Texas schools (Stutz, 2008). With these critics in places, they have aimed at discussing on the Darwin’s theory that talks about the evolvement of the humans and other living organisms. The group have also been established so that they have to come together to facilitate the discussion on the theories that they exist concerning the evolution process in life (Stutz, 2008). With this, they are targeting to be able to eradicate the limitation together with the present necessities of the theories so as to enable the correct theories to be taught in the curriculum in the schools. This has brought contradiction in the country as there are some of the people who need the evolution to be taught in the school just as it is but not to modify it as they tend to think that, whenever the theory will be altered by the organization, it will be more of a religious theory and not a scientific theory to be taught in the schools (Stutz, 2008). For the process that the country is intending to undertake, the citizens tend to think that the public school students in the locality will drop behind their colleague peers if the country go ahead and evaluate the problems in the evolutional theory, this was protested by the member at the board of the education when the citizen insisted that they needed the original evolution and not the one that have been modified to be taught in the schools. Other than this, the nation is also experiencing the moment that the evolution I the school has to be taught to the student with the emphasizes on the advantages as well as their disadvantages as this will let the students be more logical in the world system other than being taught only the relevant part of it only. The president of the Texas freedom network who is Miller, K. said that the subject has to be taught in the institution as one of the basic science in the system and thus by no mean should it be modified as this will tend to reduce its relevancy to the student in the country (McCaffrey, 2008). To add on that, he also said that the subject of evolution has to be emphasized to all of the students without watering it down in whichever manner with the addition of the intelligent design or its removal of its weakness as all this tend to have meaning and a reason to the theory sated by Darwin’s. The country has continually emphasized on the original teaching of the theory of evolution as being stated by one of the biology professor in the country, he says that the modification of the theories in the education system in the country will harm the education for their students in which he continue to say that this will add more weakness to the evolution and thus weakening the whole understanding together with the passion for the study of science in their coming generation (McCaffrey, 2008). Thus, we can say that, as much as the Texas sciences curriculum tend to think that the y have to modify the evolution theories, some of the scientists in the region still believe in the first theory stated by Darwin’s and thus, they have ended up clinging to the theory of which have helped them in becoming the most recognized country in the science subject. Conclusion In the finale, we can say that, as much as some of the people in the education board in the county see the evolution as being old, they have disapproved by the scientists who have all the reasons as to why the theories should be retained as before.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Grapvine Communication
INTRODUCTION Grapevine communication is the informal communication network within an organization. Grapevine is used to spread information bypassing the formal communication structure. Just like the grapevine plant: it spreads in random ways and it goes where it can. It is formed by individuals and groups in an organization. The people in the groups have something in common that links them together. A person can belong to one or more groups. A grapevine communication is a form of informal communication by which people communicates each other without any formal line of communication.It’s called Grapevine because like that of a grape vine it’s impossible to find the origin of information which results in spread of rumours. Grapevine communication is a form of informal business communication, which develops within an organization. It means gossip, usually gossip that spreads and covers a lot of ground (a lot of people), much like vines do. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT At first we desir e to express our deepest sense of gratitude of almighty Allah. We are thankful to our University (Leading University, Sylhet) and the respective authorities for providing us an opportunity to take our BBA program.With profound regard we gratefully acknowledge our respected course teacher Md. Shamimul Islam for his generous help and day to day suggestion during preparation of the assignment. He is so much an inspiration and guidance to us that we are, short of words in expression our gratitude. We like to give thanks especially to our friends and many individuals, for their enthusiastic encouragements and help during the preparation of this assignment by sharing ideas regarding this subject and for their assistance in typing and proof reading this manuscript.And finally, we thank to all of our group members as they all were serious and prolific towards making this assignment. Once more time to Sir, we owe more than we can mention†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦mostly for teaching us to see the silver lining in every hard work. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY We have prepared this assignment to know about the grapevine, it’s positive and negative impact. Actually what the grapevine is and what are the impact of grapevine in any organization. We mainly tried to find out whether grapevine is helpful or it is harmful for the organization’s progress. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDYIn this assignment we have collected different information from both primary and secondary sources of information. We collected different data from different books but mainly by browsing internet (secondary source). We paid more attention to secondary source to collect updated information. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY In this assignment we tried to find the effect of grapevine in the organization but didn’t get enough information on this topic. Because of the scarcity of information from primary sources we have to depend on secondary sources. DESCRIPTION OF THE TOPIC DefinitionIn the word of Keith Davis, à ¢â‚¬Å"Grapevine is basically a channel of horizontal communication, for its only people working at the same level of hierarchy who can informally communicate with one another with perfect ease. †Formal vs. Informal Channels of Communication Every organization has a formal communication system. This formal system provides information regarding the organization to the employees through different media. The formal network, made up of memos, reports, staff-meetings, department meetings, conferences, company newsletters, official notices, is highly documented and as such has very little chance for change.However, nearly all of the information within the grapevine is undocumented and is thereby open to change and interpretation as it moves through the network. â€Å"The informal organization is less permanent and less stable because its leaders and patterns of action change readily. †This occurs because of the dependency of the network on personalities, whereas the formal n etwork is set up through structured policies nondependent on individuals. The grapevine is flexible and personal and can spread information faster than the formal communication channels.The grapevine is also capable of penetrating even the tightest security because it cuts across organizational lines and deals directly with people in the know. Bosses who chose not to pay attention to the grapevine have 50% less credible information than those who do. It exists because of excessive structuring of formal work flows and the excessive channeling of information flows. It is fed by personal apprehension, wish fulfillment, retaliation, and gossip. Surprisingly, most researchers have found that most grapevine information is either true or has within it a kernel of truth.How Accurate is the Grapevine Allport and Postman's research indicated that â€Å"most rumors start as a report of an actual episode – that is to say, with someone's perceptual experience of an event which he deems o f sufficient interest and importance to communicate to others. Once this central theme, the actual episode, has been accepted there is a tendency to distort subsequent news or events in order to make them consistent with the central theme. However, Keith Davis reports from his research â€Å"that in normal business situations between 75 percent and 95 percent of grapevine information is correct. In general people tend to think the grapevine is less accurate than it is because its errors tend to be more dramatic and consequently are more impressed on one's memory than its day-to-day routine accuracy. In a normal work situation, upwards of 80% of the information that comes over the grapevine is accurate. While the day-to-day accuracy may be good, people believe the grapevine is less accurate because the times it is wrong are more dramatic. A communication may be 90% correct in details but that last 10% is often the most important part of the message.Messages from the grapevine are of ten lacking in all the details so that the message is subject to misinterpretation; while the grapevine generally carries the truth it seldom carries the whole truth. An interesting note about the informal communications network is that an estimated 80% of grapevine information is oriented toward the individual while 20% concerns the company. Allport and Postman discuss, in their book, the changes that occur as a rumor passes along the grapevine. The central theme may be resistant to change, however crucial details necessary for understanding the true situation keep being deleted.At the same time the most dramatic details keep being exaggerated each time the rumor is repeated. So as the rumor moves along it begins to appear as some sort of shrinking missile as it keeps getting shorter and more pointed in flight. This may sound very simple, however we should remember that â€Å"the grapevine is fast-paced and generally moves, free of organizational restraints, by word of mouth. â₠¬ Factors Affecting Grapevine's Operation Several additional factors affect the operation of the grapevine. (1) In wartime, the conditions for rumor are optimal.Military events are of the greatest importance. (2) The greater the homogeneity of the organization, the better the grapevine will operate. (3) Rumors prosper best where formal communication is poor. They thrive in an environment where employees are not kept informed about anything that may be important to them. (4) They perform best in informal social contacts but can operate as effectively as a sideline to official meetings. In a poorly managed organization they can chip away at morale and fuel anxiety, conflict, and misunderstanding. 5) People start and spread rumors to enhance their status, fill gaps in social conversations, and avoid suspense over suspected events. This activity increases during times of stress, uncertainty, and in the absence of news. Frederick Koenig, a sociologist who studies rumors, believes that people listen to and pass a rumor because it satisfies some need. This is why the nature of people involved is important. Different people have different needs and rumors†¦ a) may circulate because they are interesting or a source of diversion.The valve can be the content of the message or the state of the group. b) can pull together events and fill in the gaps to make sense and provide explanations for what is going on. c) can validate and support a point of view d) reconcile one's psychological state with what one sees as actually going on. e) are a means of getting attention. f) are a way of manipulating situations. The idea of some person or group deliberately starting a rumor to serve selfish ends is frequently suggested. Types of Grapevine Rumors can be divided into four categories.The categories are- 1. Wish fulfillment rumors 2. Bogey rumor 3. Wedge drivers rumors 4. Home stretchers rumors Wish fulfillment rumor These express the wishes and hopes of those who circulate rumors and these are the most positive and they help to stimulate the creativity of others. often solutions to work problems are a result of employees verbally expressing desire for changes. These improvements sometimes result in increased efficiency for certain departments within the organization. Even though the tone is positive they still represent employee concerns. Bogey rumorBogey rumor comes from employees' fears and anxieties causing general uneasiness among employees such as during budget crunch. In this case, employees will verbally express their fears to others. These rumors are sometimes damaging, such as a rumor about possible lay-offs, and need a formal rebuttal from management. Wedge Drivers rumor Wedge Drivers divide groups and destroy loyalties. They are motivated by aggression or even hatred. They are divisive and very negative rumors. They tend to be demeaning to a company or individual and can cause damage to the reputation of others.A wedge driver rumor may be s omeone at x Company saying that v Company serves worms in their hamburgers; or in another context, a school-age child telling friends that another child has AIDS, or some other tale, like â€Å"Louise, the office manager, was seen the other day alone with that young new accountant. They were in a car together leaving Motel Six. †or one may spread the word that â€Å"Mary got the promotion because she is sleeping with the boss. †Women are more likely to be attacked with the sexual gossip. Home stretchers rumorThese are anticipatory rumors. These rumors occur after employees have been waiting a long time for an announcement. There may be just one final thing necessary to complete the puzzle and this in effect enhances the ambiguity of the situation. Now we will look at how the message is spread and those who participate. How is the message spread Within the organization communication chains exist. The chain used by formal communication may be very rigid, following the chain of command or authority. However, the chain used by the grapevine tends to be very flexible.Four different chains/structures appear to dominate the grapevine network according to Keith Davis are: 1. Single Strand Chain 2. Gossip Chain 3. Probability Chain 4. Cluster Chain Single Strand Chain This is a simple concept to follow, A tells B, who tells C, who tells D and so on. Each person passes the information on to the next person. The longer the strand the more distortion and filtering affects the information being passed until the last person in the chain may find the information unrecognizable from the original message. Most inaccuracies occur in this chain. Gossip ChainIn this illustration A simply tells everyone with whom they come in contact. This pattern is considered to be somewhat slow in moving the information. Probability Chain In this case A makes random contact with say F and C and passes on the information. They in turn randomly contact others in accordance with la ws of probability. Some hear the information and some don't. In this structure, there is no definite pattern of communication. Information is randomly passed along to anyone willing to listen. They type of person who communicates in this manner might be a very outgoing and talkative type of individual.Cluster Chain Here A tells contacts, B and F, who may work with A. They may tell two or three other persons with whom they usually have close contact. Most predominant pattern is the cluster pattern. Selectivity is the basis for this pattern. In any organization, individuals will generally feel more comfortable with some fellow employees than with others and therefore only relay information to those in their informal social groups. This flow pattern results in information missing some individuals completely. Roles of the ParticipantsIn addition to identifying certain structured patterns, research has also given us some other facts and descriptions, It has been discovered that only 10% of all the individuals in an organization are highly active participants in the grapevine. The types of individuals relative to rumors, have been identified. The three are- 1. Bridger 2. Bagger 3. Bearer Most employees fall into one of the three basic categories as they relate to the grapevine. Bridger Bridger’s receive and pass information to others. These people are the ones primarily responsible for the success of the grapevine.Bridger’s are the passers-along; the liaisons of rumors, also called KC's, as explained by Sutton. â€Å"Key Communicator†is the term that is given to this type of individual who is responsible for initially sending information into various networks. Baggers Baggers hear rumors but do not pass them along or fail to tell others. They are called â€Å"dead-enders. †They receive information but do not pass it on or only pass it on to one or maybe two other dead-enders. Bearer Bearers are not privy to any information, do not hear the information and thus cannot pass along, a rumor.They tend to be outside the grapevine. They neither hear nor pass along the information. Each type of individual can easily be identified in the communication mains previously illustrated. It should also be noted that people are more active on the grapevine when their friends and colleagues are actively involved. After all that has been said about the grapevine the next questions that arise are: What should the company managers do about the grapevine? Is it good or bad? Should the managers participate? How do we manage the grapevine? Management's Response to the GrapevineThe key thing to remember is that the grapevine exists, William A. Delaney reminds us of this when he says the â€Å"grapevine exists, always has and always will, and you can't stop it. †So managers should accept the fact and decide how they can use it to their own benefit. Vanessa Arnold contends that â€Å"Managers interested in creating effective organi zational communication will use information from the grapevine to improve communication throughout the firm. †The real value of the grapevine should be in revealing to management those issues that generate from the grass roots.As Donald Thompson said â€Å"its usefulness is seldom acknowledged, its voice often muffled, its insights ignored. †Should Managers Participate In many cases lower and middle managers are already active participants. They hold strategic positions in the communication channel because they filter and block two-way communication between higher management and operating employees. Managers basically have three options when it comes to their participation in the grapevine: 1. Ignore the grapevine, be no part of it. This is difficult in most organizations, but can be accomplished.They do their job and let it operate unnoticed around them. In effect they become an â€Å"isolate. †2. Participate only when it serves their purpose. In this case th ey may seek out the grapevine and tap it to learn what is being said concerning a specific situation or issue. 3. Become an active and full-time participant. Managing the Grapevine Since the grapevine cannot be held responsible for errors and is somewhat of an unknown, managers sometimes succumb to the wish that it will go away; but we have learned from experience and research that â€Å"homicide†will not work with the grapevine.It cannot be abolished, rubbed out, hidden under a basket, chopped down, tied up, or stopped. If we suppress it in one place it will pop up in another. If we cut off one of its sources, it merely moves to another one†¦ It is as hard to kill as the mythical glass snake, that, when struck, broke itself into fragments and grew a new snake out of each piece. In a sense, the grapevine is a human birthright, because whenever people congregate into groups, the grapevine is sure to develop. It may use smoke signals, jungle tom-tome, taps on a prison wal l, ordinary conversation, or some other method, but it will always be there.Organizations cannot â€Å"fire†the grapevine because they did not hire it. It is simply there. Management Options Internal rumors are generally managed differently than external rumors if for no other reason than management of a company has more control over internal formal communication than over information sent out to the external environment. Since grapevine activity increases during times of uncertainty, management must provide information through the formal system of communication about key issues and events that affect employees.Management should supply employees with a steady flow of accurate, timely information; in this way, the potential damage caused by the grapevine can be minimized. Any attempt to soften or distort a rumor to make things look good is not a good way to deal with the rumor. The longer a rumor circulates the more difficult it is to control. Facts should be released quickly . The grapevine can be controlled with prompt, clear, and accurate information on the issues important to the employees. Full facts must be presented. Formal communication lines must be kept open and the process as short as possible.Direct memos, large group announcements, and intercom systems should be used. If employees perceive management is giving them the facts, they will be less anxious and less emotional when rumors are heard. Although the preferred management option is prevention, this never works 100% of the time. In other words, there will be negative rumors and if one wants to manage them, one ought to be prepared. So when prevention doesn't work, and it won't, what can one do? Two methods are suggested. First, a four-step method, and second, a disciplined three-phase management program, Generally, in the four-step method, four steps are suggested: 1.Seek to keep employees informed about what is going on. A formal company newsletter always seems to help. 2. Heed rumors. L isten to what is being said that is 80% true. What other information source is so highly credible? 3. Act promptly. Rumors are more difficult to correct over time because they â€Å"harden†–the details become consistent and the information becomes publicly accepted, 4. Conduct a training program for employees on the nature of rumors. Advantages of Grapevine Communication Grapevine communication creates a social bond where none existed.People like to talk to one another; whether they talk about work or family, or anything. Teams become more cohesive when members talk to one another outside of the project or assignment they may be working on. Informal communication lends itself to bonding. The grapevine fills in a gap that is left when official information is missing, especially in chaotic or changing times. Even in organizations where management is very proactive about communicating change and keeping employees informed, the grapevine helps to fill in the blanks.The gra pevine in many ways helps keep people honest; it can dissuade people from engaging on behavior that they don’t want others to know about. This is a two edge sword. On one hand, people will think twice about taking what they know is a wrong course of action. On the other hand, they may also think twice about taking a necessary risk and doing the right thing, fearful those appearances that may give rise to rumors. Disadvantages of Grapevine Communication There are some intrinsic dangers in bypassing the organizational channels to get to the facts of the matter.The main danger is that much of the information that gets spread through the grapevine is not verified. Some of the information is likely false and difficult, if not impossible, to verify. We discount information when the source is a known gossiper. But not completely†¦ Even when the source is someone known to spread rumors, we believe that where there's smoke†¦ Since we don’t know what part is fire and w hat smoke is, we accept the whole rumor. To justify our participation in spreading the rumor, we tell ourselves that part of it must be true.The main reason why we give credence to a rumor is that it seems to match what we think about the situation or person that the rumor is about. We also tend to believe the person sharing the rumor with us. Another main disadvantage of grapevine communication is that it's often used to spread more than rumors; it's used to spread gossip. The terms rumors and gossip are used sometimes interchangeably, but rumors are not quite the same as gossip. Both are pieces of information that can't be verified, but rumors tend to affect organizations or groups of people, while gossip refers to more personal matters.When gossip is being spread through the grapevine, people's reputations, careers, and lives can get destroyed very rapidly. FINDINGS While preparing our assignment we have to study a lot on this topic. From all our experience we gathered, we can co me to an end that, certain situations like insecurity of service, uncertainty over promotions, special increments to a particular employee, certain innovations in the organization likely to affect the job prospects of the employees are sure to activate the leaders of the grapevine so that very soon all kinds of rumors have spread in the organization.Whether grapevine is sour or sweet is depends on its impact on the organization. If it works for the organization to increase its quality it will be sweet. For this we will have to use grapevine efficiently. On the other hand, if it works against the organizations purpose it will be considered as sour. SUGGESTION From our study we can suggest that, to use grapevine efficiently we should follow the following ways: 1. The managers should try to spot the leaders. They should try to find out the people who are more active on the grapevine and keep them well informed so that harmful rumors do not reach the employees. . The grapevine should be used to feel the pulse of the employees. 3. If there is any false rumor, the management should immediately use the official channels to contradict and to dispel the fears of the employees. 4. Involve the workers in the decision-making process. CONCLUSION The grapevine is basically a channel of horizontal communication, for it is only people working at the same level of hierarchy who can informally communicate with one another with perfect ease.Thus the workers may have one grapevine and the first line supervisors another. But the fact is that the grapevine does not follow any set pattern and it can be effective horizontally, vertically and even diagonally. REFERENCE Secondary Source 1. Essentials of Business Communication, by: Rajendra Pal & J. S. Korlahalli 2. Business communication (Theory and Application), by: M. Omar Ali 3. www. definitions. net/definition/grapevine. 4. http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/grapevine.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Globalisation Friendly Policies of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Globalisation Friendly Policies of China - Essay Example The economic part of globalization is the key because with the whole world becoming a kind of global village, barriers between the countries are broken with integration happening mainly in the economic aspects. So, Globalisation has made an impact and developing majority of the countries all over the world including China. That is, countries like China are following many ‘globalisation friendly’ policies, thereby developing themselves, and to show they are developing, they, in turn, are impacting other countries through that development. When one closely looks at the annals of many countries, it will be clear that for a nation to develop and reach the top echelons, particularly in the aspect of giving its people the needed facilities and also to achieve superiority over other nations, its economy should be very strong and still growing. This economic strength will elevate the country in other aspects of military strength, space power, sports, etc, etc, thereby impacting other countries. As any country’s economy cannot exist like an island insulated from any impacts, its growth or lack of growth will surely have an impact on many countries both in the positive as well as in the negative direction. So, this paper will examine how China has developed optimally through ‘globalisation friendly’ policies, and how that development is visible in the way the Chinese economy and its people have developed, and also how this development of China is turning out to be an economic challenge to the United States and Europe. For a long time, China mainly depended on agriculture for its economic generation as well as for the livelihood of its people. However, after the onset of globalization, China started to focus on industrial growth.Â
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Consider the idea that the United States is 'exceptional' and Essay
Consider the idea that the United States is 'exceptional' and therefore exempt from traditional rules governing international be - Essay Example This concept has its origin from US political institutions formed from 1776-1789, the declaration of US independence in 1776, the American revolution of 1776-83, and the adoption of American constitution in 1787. The American Revolution and its liberation from the British are historical aspects of American exceptionalism. The American’s prosperity has its origin in political differences, social mobility, assimilation of immigrants, liberty of Americans, and America’s vast resources. Discussion The history of America is inadequate because many aspects have been left out or are distorted in the traditional narratives. This particularly relates to the history of American Indians and their contribution to American history (Tyrrell, 2010). The issues of races and slavery are tragic exception in American history. The end to the slave trade was a rebirth of freedom in America. Ignatieff (2005) says that Americanism exceptionalism has a negative perspective which explains that US is exceptionally unpleasant, violent and racist. The term exceptionalism was first coined by the German Marxists who intended to offer an explanation behind US rising above socialism and Marxism and embracing capitalism. However, Marxists conclude that exceptionalism is more than class conflict. Other scholars prefer to use the term uniqueness or differences to explain US exceptionalism. United States exceptionalism has been argued to emerge from its political, religious and intellectual aspects. It is also perceived to be enduring. Kolodziej and Roger (2008) notes American exceptionalism is a fundamental determinant of the American Psyche and has its values embedded in the culture of Americans civilians. The term has assumed changes over time which can be clearly seen from the reign of various US presidents. For example, President Thomas Jefferson rejected the rule of European countries through voting and dictatorship. President Washington tried to insulate US politics from corr uption and foreign intervention, Abraham Lincoln strived to unify Americans and President Andrew Jackson tried to raise the status of US citizens. President Delano Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson made efforts to make the world safe for trade and democracies through their intervention, which made World War I and II come to an end. President Truman identified American security, democratic values and US economic well being as necessary in competition with the Soviet Union. President Regan Portrayed US as an exceptional country that should be emulated by other nations. President George W. Bush tried to maximize freedom available to the Americans (Kolodziej and Rogers, 2008) Kolodziej and Rogers (2008) focus their discussions on how president George W. Bush American regime interpreted exceptionalism to expand the American powers. Exceptionalism provides US a justification for the rejection of foreign policy, which US views as misguided and the criticism by US citizens to increase the scope of international law and institutions. President Bush tried to maximize Americans freedom through US powers, global objectives, and moral status at the expense of reforming America’s image in the face of other countries internationally. The main focus of US in the present days is to resist any limitations on its powers as it pursues its aspiration of exceptionalism worldwide. This can be clearly seen from the little support provided to International Criminal Court (ICC) by US. The
Comparing and evaluating the financial performance of US commercial Essay
Comparing and evaluating the financial performance of US commercial banks during the recession - Essay Example The study tells that the recent financial crisis began in 2008 – although signs of the crisis could be identified in 2007; since then, the crisis has being expanded in all countries worldwide causing severe losses to businesses of all industrial sectors. In its primary form, the crisis was related with the banking sector in US; in fact, the subprime products that were promoted by the US banks were proved to be more risky than initially estimated; as a result, US banks were highly exposed to the recession. Many banks in US collapsed – as a consequence of the crisis; however, there were also those banks that managed to limit the losses and protect effectively their equity/ capital. This study will help to understand the effects of recession on the financial performance of US commercial banks using the figures included in these organizations’ financial statements. In other words, it will be an evidence – based study not just a critical analysis of the behavio r of these firms since the beginning of the crisis. On the other hand, the level of resistance of US banks – as identified through this study – would be valuable in order to estimate the expected development of the US banking industry both in the short and the long term – the prospects for the development of US firms that operate in other industrial sectors could be also estimated using similar criteria. The study also identifies the framework of successful strategic decisions – referring to the banking industry – a fact that could further lead to the increase of this sector’s credibility.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Why we should have a Black President Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Why we should have a Black President - Essay Example The United States should have an African, or Black President, because it's the only way to demonstrate principles of equal human rights in actual fact. All the history of the United States has never been anything but a chain of white male presidents. Oddly, little has been said about this embarrassing subject. Of course, America probably has to break a few more social barriers before a black president could be elected. To be frank, a lot of people are not ready to have a black man or woman as President. On the other hand, there are a lot of progressive people, black and white, concerned that democratic principles should be implemented in the real life indeed.Electing of African President in 2008 will help to attract an attention of publicity to the problems of black community, such as educational, health, social, political and other issues. According to the recent Gallup Survey on "Black-White Relations" cited in Cronc, seven out of ten whites believe that blacks are treated equally in their communities: an optimism with which only 40 percent of blacks agree. Eight in ten whites say blacks receive equal educational opportunities, and 83 percent say blacks receive equal housing opportunities in their communities. Only a third of whites believe blacks face racial bias from police in their areas. If a Black President is elected in the United States in 2008, these problems will more likely to be solved. (1999)I think that the main benefit of Black President is providing the United States with the real equality in all areas of life. Also it will show to every black person that there is nothing impossible for him or her in self-development. Self-confidence of colored people will serve as a powerful tool for further development of democracy in the United States. Also, Black President will stimulate black people to get involved in the political process. If we have a black woman as a President, feminist's movement will also become more politically active and more significant. The idea of America having its first Black president has resonated with many African-Americans over the years, especially with the emergence of Illinois Senator Barack Obama. Obama is the third African American since the Reconstruction Era to serve in the United States Senate. He is also the only African American currently serving in the Senate. Obama showed he had national appeal last year, when he delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention. Though he was not even elected into office yet, dreams of a black President popped into the heads of many African Americans who watched as Obama electrified an audience of all races. Obama is not the first African American to show national appeal as a potential presidential candidate. The Rev. Jesse Jackson ran twice in the 1980s, and though he did not win the White House Jackson showed that he had enormous appeal outside of the African-American community. Jackson managed to attract 6.9 million votes from Urban Blacks, Hispanics, poor rural whites, farmers, factory workers, feminists, homosexuals and white progressives. One more step to an African President is Bill Clinton, who often is referred to as the "black president" because he was so receptive to the needs of African Americans and because he worked to include them in the political process more than any other president. Reasons cited here for Clinton's popularity among blacks include his poor Southern upbringing and underdog status, the fact that he appointed more blacks to his cabinet and other federal posts than any other president, and good timing (he came into office after three consecutive Republican administrations). But perhaps the biggest factor discussed is the genuine ease with which Clinton relates to black Americans. Blacks trust him to consider their perspective and do not view him as just another white politician who appears only during election years. This is not to say that Clinton always did their bidding; he often disappointed them. But they also shared common enemies and a common outlook that brought
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Skin Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Skin Cancer - Essay Example Skin cancer is a term used to defined carcinomas which rise from the skin and can invade different parts of the body. These include squamous cell cancer, melanoma and basal cell cancer. A culmination of factors have led to an increase in the prevalence of skin cancer and these include damage to the ozone layer by industrial activity and the new methods that have been created for tanning such as tan salons or even spending excessive amounts of time under the sun (Zhang et al., 1588-1593). There should be studies that are aimed towards the regulation of events that are damaging to the ozone layer and the different methods that are used to improving tanning in the community to ensure that these methods are either eliminated or minimized. Tanning has become a summer fashion and many people use tanning salons which predisposes them to many types of skin cancer. However, many studies have found that spending long hours under these lamps predisposes individuals to squamous cell cancer which is one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer. Tanning beds are machines that utilize 3% UVB and 97% UVA to artificially produce sun tans for cosmetic purposes (Dore et al., 30-37). There are many different variants of these machines and can also be in the form of high pressure beds. The cultural history of tanning is something that has changed throughout the years and in the early 1900s when the benefits of sunlight were documented, sun bathing can back into fashion and was considered an upper class activity (Dore et al., 30-37). It was further popularized by Coco Chanel 1920s after a vacation. The tanning beds entered the American community in 1979. However, the World Health Organization and other health institutions have labeled these beds a health risk and have included it among other dangerous radiation substances such as plutonium. According to
Monday, September 23, 2019
North Miami Council Meeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
North Miami Council Meeting - Essay Example In this report, the meeting I attended was held in Miami city. The city council government organized the meeting among another stakeholder of the regional government. The meeting majorly put more emphasis and addressed some of the major problems affecting its citizens. The meeting was conducted on Tuesday 9th June 2015 in the evening exactly 7.00. as it is the order of every meeting, a role call was briefly performed to ascertain the members who were present and those who are not. The list of those who were absent with apology was noted and at the same time those without apology (Burrill, 1962). Pledge of allegiance by detective Rocio, who works with North Miami police, was conducted, and after that Pastor Gregory Toussaint, who led the tabernacle of glory, put members through invocation. Oath of office administration was the section that carried more attention of the meeting. Dr. Dorothy Bndross Mindingall assisted by the school board manager in District 2 conducted it. Other events preceded this main event. The order of the business has a breakdown of subsections. These subsections were additions and deletions, amendments and deferrals (Burrill, 1962). The meeting had more issues that were to be discussed. Among the questions comprised in the order of the business, individual presentations, city events, hurricane preparedness and consent agenda. The questions that the officials put more emphasis and discussed are the certification and of the results that were returned during the runoff election process. Pursue of this was retrieved from the previous meeting that was held at the same venue. As a council, they proposed the purchase of the order one of new transit to issue in by the police department at the agreed cost. Equipment that was brought up was scheduled to be purchased separately by the council for enforcing the law (Burrill, 1962). Another proposal that was passed
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Costco Wholesale in 2012 Essay Example for Free
Costco Wholesale in 2012 Essay Analysis and Evaluation Since the inception of Costco in 1983, one of its drawbacks is, they have 4,000 selections of merchandise compared to their competitors. In addition, customers can only purchase merchandises in bulk. Consumers who shop at Costco do not have the choice to pick up one single item, for instance a can of soup. Although Costco prices are low and the consumers get more for their money, more consumers are wasting food because they no longer have the big families. Costco needs to look at the demographics and re-evaluate their business model, as this could be detrimental to the company. In today’s society, more families are getting divorce and are becoming single parents. The big families are almost none existent; therefore, most consumers do not need to purchase in bulk. Many consumers want to have choices when it comes to the amount of food they purchase. One may say there are other shopping establishments a consumer may visit to get exactly what they want; however, that is beside the point. Giving consumers the choice to purchase individual merchandise will not only bring in more business but also an increase in cash flow, which will also increase profits for Costco. On the other hand, Costco competitors such as Wal-Mart stocked up 40,000 to 150, 000 items for shoppers to choose from and Sam’s Club have over 16,000 items. Sam’s Club have the treasure-hunt items but tend to be less upscale and carry lower price tags than those of Costco. Both Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club give shoppers more choices than Costco even though Costco offers a cheaper price on their merchandise. Costco spends very little in advertisements and they totally rely on their name and word of mouth by their customers. Compared to Sam’s Club they spent about $50 million annually advertising and direct mail promotions. Furthermore, Costco does not have a Public Relation department, which is not good business practice, even though they have been around for years and they are doing well financially. However, there are many opportunities for one of its competitor to come in take away their market share. Costco does not attract people who are below the poverty line; they cater to the business consumer and urbanites that have an annual income of $100,000; therefore, people who are impoverish cannot afford the membership fees and bulk purchase. In addition, Costco membership fee is more expensive compared to Sam’s Club. Recommendation Costco needs to improve the variety of choices by giving the consumer more than 4,000 items to choose from while their competitors are actually giving customers what they want. Costco needs to take into consideration the economy; people have lost their jobs and the recession, as customers are looking for cheaper prices and ways to saving money. Furthermore, if Costco does not come up with new and innovative strategies to entice low income and single household family to their establishment they are giving their competitors the upper hand. Costco should also focus on the advertisement because number of its rivals is already doing intense advertisement. In today’s global and technological world, many businesses are being aggressive and are taking advantage of investing heavily on the marketing. Costco cannot continue to use the concept of sitting back and waiting for their customers to spread the word by mouth. Costco needs to move in the direction of the 21st century by being more proactive by utilizing technology and a PR department for marketing purposes. It is true that company like Costco are doing good in economic downturn but competitors like Sam’s club is outperforming Costco in pricing which could be biggest threats to the Costco even though Costco keeps relatively branded and qualitative product than that of Sam’s Club The Five Forces Model of Competition Substitutes Strong threat Good substitutes everywhere Price not significantly higher Comparable product features More variety of features Low switching cost Potential new entrants Low threat Small pool entry candidates High barriers to entry Expanding market Attractive profits Buyers Weak bargaining power Some switching cost Large membership base Costco has the best value Suppliers Weak bargaining power Many suppliers Low switching cost Many substitutes exist Large quantities are needed Competing sellers Fierce Competition Costco is on top Quality is slightly better Buyer demand is growing Buyers switching cost is low SWOT Strength| Weakness| Low product and services†¢ Strong brand†¢ Excellent merchandise†¢ Exceptional employees†¢ 54 million members†¢ Economics of scale†¢ Efficiency| James Sinegal is 79†¢ Maintain high wages†¢ 42% higher than Sam’s Club†¢ Comparatively less attractive store layout for luxury items†¢Ã‚ Declining or inconsistent profit margins†¢ Primary focus on business customers rather than individual customers| Opportunities| Threat| Recession- Easier to find bargain luxury-items- Increased popularity of Costco†¢ Expanding foreign markets- Europe- China India †¢ Positive image in terms of employees pay and social responsibility†¢ Increasing brand awareness| Fierce competition†¢Costco cannot attract people who are below poverty line due to its membership fees and bulk purchase†¢High competition from Sam’s Club and BJ†¢Political problems in other countries| References Thomspson, A. A., Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., Strickland III, A. (2012). Crafting Executing Strategy (19th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irvin.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Butler S Lifecycle Model
The Butler S Lifecycle Model Balearic Islands consist of four island which are A, B, C and Mallorca. Mallorca is the largest island of the Balearic archipelago which accounts for nearly three quarters of the land with 80% of its population in Balearic Island (Bull 1997, 140). It area has covered about 3640 kilometer per square with the 555 km of the total coast length of the island (Garcia and Servera 2003, 288). The climate of Mallorca is typically Mediterranean with moderate average temperatures. During the summer, the dry and warm season takes place. The annual rainfalls are 625 mm, with average temperature 16 celcius and 18 celcious except in the high mountain. With its favorable climate, extensive coastline and attractive beaches have lured visitors for many centuries. The butlers lifecycle model (1980), describes the growth, stagnation and decline phases of a tourist destination can be best apply in the destination of Mallorca from the growth stage to post-stagnation stage. In the period of exploration and involvement stages of Butlers model which started in 1930s tourism takes place in Mallorca act merely as an instrument for stimulating cultural and intellectual activity (Bull 1997, 141). Early development stage 1955s When it comes to 1955 Mallorca Island is in development stage where mass tourism started to grow during that period. There was a re-establishment of the tourist board that have significantly change the tourism on the island whereby the tourism become more closely associated with the development of package holidays and mass tourism from the growing markets in western and northern Europe (Pearce 1991 and Williams 1997). However in 1959, Spanish government took the initiate to simplify the procedure of visiting the country in order to modernize the Spanish economy through tourism by gaining overseas revenue (Stabilisation Act of 1959). The numbers of visitors started to growth constantly in early 1960s, majority of the visitors were dominated from UK and Germany in large volumes concentrated especially during summer season (Clark 1988) (Figure 1). Consolidation stage-1980s-1990s Between 1960s-1980s the consequences from the boom of international tourism to Mallorca, it led to an intensive resort development of the along the coastline. Most of the island originated from the rapid growth of cheap package holidays in the 1960s. However in the late of 1970s, many buildings, resorts and apartments were built in order to cater large numbers of visitors and growing number of the populations. Majority of these early resorts were portrayed by standard high-rise architecture, short of proper infrastructure and lack of planning, which are typical of the consolidation stages of Butlers model. Buswell (1996, 321) has described the growth of tourist resolution on Mallorca as unplanned and piecemeal, even chaotic. After that resorts have been subject matter to stricter planning laws which set up in the 1980s and 1990s. Subsequently Mallorca has maintained its popularity with tourists, particularly from UK and Germany moreover constantly attracts more than 10 m visitors per annum (Buswell 1996 and Government Balear 2003) Stagnation and Decline stage-1990s-2000s In late 1990s, environmental pressures begin to emerge in Mallorca regarding to the issue such as water shortages, climate change, overcrowding, and over commercialization as well as anti-social behavior by its visitors. This eventually causes an overall of decline in number of visitors arrive to its destination. In provisions of destination life cycle dynamics, the tourism product of Mallorca was beginning to stagnate and decline and required management planning and policy intervention to bring about its rejuvenation (Butler, 1980). Development of Mass tourism in Calvia, Mallorca Calvià ¡ is a municipality of Mallorca which is also one of the largest tourism receiving areas. It accounted about one third of the total flow of tourists to Balearic Islands. It covers 145 km ² and has a coastal strip of 56 Km of beaches and cliffs which make it as absolutely suitable destination for mass tourism. It offers accommodation for 120,000 bedspaces and with approximately up to 1.6 million visitors a year (Aguilo, Algere and Sard, 2005). Furthermore, with its location in tiny distance from the airport of Palma creates an easily accessible to the visitors. The population of the resident increased from 3000 in habitants during 1960 up to 30,000 in the late nineties (Dodds 2007). Since 19th century, tourism began to be as main economic activity of its island (Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda, 2005). Tourism development in Calvià ¡ boomed in the 1960s and has been based on short-term economic gain. As Aguilo et al. (2005) states, it was one of the first municipalities to experience negative effects of mass tourism. Lack of planning regulations resulted in urban sprawl and lack of environmental regard, similar to many Mediterranean resorts. The model of tourism development in Mallorca has been based on short-term interest, unlimited building out of tune with local conditions, and an unsustainable exploitation of exceptional natural resources. Tourist development took place in 1960s to 1980s and was hasty and unplanned. Economy In economic point of view, tourism is important as it create job opportunities, infrastructure development as well as foreign exchange. The unemployment rate is much lower than national average (Ministerio de Trabajo 2005) as there are about 31,793 people employed in restaurant-bars, 2057 in means of transportation rental, 483 in supermarkets, 398 people employed in souvenir shops and another 1,684 work in other tourist facilities. Meanwhile 1,402 involved in beach business and 18,003 are involved in providing tourist activities. It has been estimated that Calvià ¡ owns a total number of 61749 vacancies providing tourist activities (Molz 2004). It has 30% higher income per capital of national and 5% higher of E.U. levels (Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda 2005). Looking at these figures it becomes absolutely obvious 85% of Balearic Islands GNP is from tourist industry, and tourism is the major source of income for the municipality of Calvià ¡. Therefore its economy is entirely reli ant upon it. From the statistics numbers given, it can be conclude that there is high number of labour force joining the labour market, the tourist monoculture especially during the peak seasonal pattern, labour with a low salary system, and pressure of work during high season (Local Agenda 21 2001). Socio culture impact While tourism provides certain economic benefits to a region at least in the short term, it also causes disturbance to the local way of life. For the locals the concerns may derive due to the unfulfilled promises, destruction of an older and simpler way of life, inadequacy of employment opportunities or dissatisfaction with the economic changes which came with mass tourism development. Before tourism takes place, Calvià ¡ was fundamentally a poor and rural area with little outside contact and general history of emigration with its own language and culture of Catalan roots (Ruzza 2004). However tourism has wholly altered these features; a vast number of immigration from the Spanish peninsula arrived to fulfill the demand for labour created by the growth of mass tourism, particularly in the building industry and the hotel business. Consequent to that the temporary immigrant population, has gradually turn into resident, eventually this causes the loss of cultural identity, conflict over language issues, and lack of social integration within local and immigrant population and tiny participation in local social life. Although Calvià ¡ is Spains richest municipality and one of the richest in Europe, it has the lowest level of education in Spain which itself the lowest in Europe (Ayuntament de Calvià ¡ 1995). Besides, majority of employment are for waiters and house cleaner which are lack of trained skilled professionals. Consequences of too many visitors Reason tourist choose Calvià ¡ as holiday destination The persistence of the sun and sand model (2005, 222), describes that the reason induces tourists to choose the particular sun and sand destination include the climate of 76.2%, the beaches (51.2%), the price (36.4%), and the quality of the hotels (22.2%). Among all, climate is the fundamental reason followed by the beaches which induces tourists for choosing such destination. As a result Calvià ¡ received a growing number of visitors who travel to a mass tourism holiday destination attracted by the sun, beaches and the climate. Calvià ¡ were seen as a model based on value, in terms of price competition it has lure many visitors especially from UK and German with it standardization of the holiday experience (CIITIB, 2002). Social impact For the local point of view, visitors seem to utilize the physical environment from the local however the profit that generated from the visitors are not share with the local community. Thus it create adverse impacts on livelihoods and lack of benefit sharing with the local people who will bear tourism related costs to both the human and natural environment. Eventually conflicts arise between local populations with vast number of visitors as they need to compete for limited use of resources such as water, sanitation, energy and land uses. For tourists the view is often recapitulate with the statements such as this used to be a paradise but now it is ruined because of overcrowding, over commercialization or overdevelopment. The mass tourism tackiness and the variety of problems experienced in Calvià ¡ have too often created blemish alongside beautiful natural scenery; crowded with large numbers of tourists as if they were many cattle; ruined traditional cultures and occupational patterns by creating a insidious tourism industry characterized by low paying service jobs and manipulative values; and ignored the needs of local citizens and the community values that were inconsistent with pragmatic economic requirements of the tourism industry. Environmental impact The risen numbers of visitors and residents have immense environmental pressure in Calvià ¡. As mentioned in butlers life cycle, Mallorca was in the period of stagnation in 1990s may lay on the line by emerging environmental pressure particularly water shortages and climatic change. Inadequate water supply The issue of inadequate water supply especially during peak period and summer season, water supplies is exacerbated by visitors flows for use in hotels, swimming pools and golf course. According to the statistic documented in 1995, the water consumption by visitors amounted of 160 liters per day whereby resident is only 130 liters. High demand in energy consumption Annual consumption of primary energy in Calvià ¡ amount to 72,000 TEP per year of which only 2% is renewable. However, the consumption per day was 6.47 kwh and visitors consumption amounted to 2.14 kwh per night stay in a hotel (Dodds 2007). Pollution by Transports The emissions of carbon dioxide equaled 1,400,000 tones which 58% is due to transporting tourist in and out of Mallorca. In Calvià ¡ 1995 statistic,70 million journeys per year where 50 million where from visitors which are a major cause of traffic congestion. Urban waste In 1995 Calvià ¡ produced 41000 tones of urban waste with approximately 1.25 kg per resident / day however 1kg per visitors per day. Moreover the options for disposal were limited. The production of wastewater and solid waste in visitor areas often surpass the carrying capacity of local infrastructure due the high seasonal demand. Deterioration of the Land use Building development in Calvià ¡ has been excessive with mass occupation of sandy beaches and important enclaves along the rocky coastline. With over 60% of Calvià ¡ territory was affected by soil erosion. There was continuous land occupation by urbanization and development of new infrastructure damage caused by quarries and waste dumps and devastation by forest fire. According to an accounting of the distribution of the entire area of Calvià ¡ made by Schmitt () in 1991 the build-up-area has quadrupled in the years from 1968 to 1991 (+311.6%). However 57% of archaeological heritage were at high risk of deterioration. Overcrowded beach Almost 80% of the analyzed cases show overcrowding despite an urban beach or natural beach. There is a strong seasonal concentration of visitors between June and September because of the demand for sun and beaches. Subsequently this led to overcrowded beach with less than 6 m ² of beach surface per person with increasing anthropogenic pressure over the coastal zone (Garcia and Jaume 2003, 287). Solution Calvià ¡ is an example of a mass tourism destination which, from a result of tourism pressure in the late 1980s, faced significant economic, social and environmental decline. As mentioned by Butler (1993) tourism is an activity because of its reliance upon the maintenance of natural environment and natural processes, should lent itself toward sustainable development. In the case of Calvià ¡ the decrease of tourism numbers and Balearic Island as a whole driven regulations and efforts to move towards addressing the problems of the degradation of the environment, deterioration of social systems and facilities and the threat of further tourism decline. Definition of Planning and Policy The definition of planning is extremely ambiguous and difficult to define. Chadwick (1971, 24) states that planning is a process of human thought with an action based upon the thought in point of fact, forethought, thought for the future, nothing more or less than this is planning. Meanwhile Hall (2008, 90) supported Chadwicks ideas to conclude that most important aspect of planning is that it is directed towards the future. However, planning cannot be accomplished without policy because it is closely related terms. Wilkinson (1997) linked planning and policy by stating planning is a course of action, whereas policy is the implementation of the planned course of action. Planning and policy in the case of Calvià ¡ Calvià ¡ Plan for tourist Excellent 1990 The plan was developed in 1990 as to target the threat of decline. It comes along with the Balearic Autonomous community in cooperation with the municipalities as to modernize, improve and diversify the tourism. This plan included building clearance to regain open space, try to counterbalance the seasonal nature of tourism and training and employment. However this plan is mainly focused on the industry supply side instead of sustainability of the destination and host community did not involve at all. As a result, it did not attempt to overcome the growing issues that have arisen. Calvià ¡ Local Agenda 21 (LA21) 1995 At the end of 1994, the Town council of Calvià ¡, together with a range of working groups, drew up the Local Agenda 21 for Calvià ¡ as a long term strategies integrated with economic, social, territorial and environment actions. In formulating LA21 in 1995 and Action Plan in 1997, the Municipality of Calvià ¡ actively involved the support of local community, all the stakeholders, NGO as well as national and EU governments. The key objectives for LA21 Calvià ¡ concentrating on entering a new culture based on sustainable and participatory urban and tourism planning; emphasize environmental management of the destination, look for for agreement and consensus with social representatives, control development and act for more stable employment in the area. (Calvià ¡ Agenda Local 21, Mallorca, Spain 2004). In 1998 New Balearic Law in Calvià ¡ was set out as to limit accommodation growth, restore existing hotels and to protect 40% of natural areas. The objectives of the LA21 comprises of 10 strategic lines of action and 40 initiatives. Key results that have been achieved since the implementation of Calvià ¡s 1997 plan The LA21 Action Plan which were set out in 1997 were seems to have improvement in a general movement toward sustainability within the region and as Calvià ¡ is fairly autonomous, it was able to adopt and implement many initiatives without the need for collaboration from higher government. Among those key results that have been achieved since the implementation of the LA21 action plan are stated below: Planning and Regeneration Zero increase in number of hotels and apartments as well as drop of 200 beds 1993-2002-about 30 building clearance plan actions were carried out including actual building demolition and the purchase of urban plots to prevent further construction. Demolished buildings of the entire surface area reaches more than 13,500m ². Upgraded area in Magaluf Palma Nova tourist area by creating pedestrian zones and planting tree as to improve the overall quality of the area. 32 km cycling and walking path was built in Paseo de Calvià ¡ Environmental instruments Tax on water for conservation and awareness campaigns promoting its use and conservation established Recycling urban waste reduction plans to ensure 70% of all urban waste is separated at origin, facilitating reducing cost of recycling effort, minimizing land fill. Termination of sea dredging previously used to generate beaches and more environmentally friendly measures put in place to minimize erosion New regulating for limiting anchor damage harbor congestion caused by boats Establishment of marine park terrestrial protected areas as to protect wildlife ecosystems Economic instruments Impose an eco-tax in 2002 by Balearic Government; the funds were used to carry out Calvià ¡ council rehabilitation and regenerative projects. Voluntary instruments Renovation programmes for hotels, tourist accommodation and tourist facilities established to upgrade quality and attract a higher yield tourist Socio cultural instruments Programmes to combat crime, housing and other social issues Multi-cultural and social programmes such as dance, underwater photography and language classes established to help integrate immigrants into Mallorquin culture. Calvià ¡ has been recognized internationally for its efforts conclusion Calvià ¡ 2.0 The development of mass tourism in Calvia, Mallorca. 2.1 Definition of Mass Tourism Over the last decades, tourism has increasingly playing a vital role as a source of economic sector despite for many developed and developing countries. The tourism industry has given an opportunity to millions ofpeople to travel internationally, as travel and recreation are becoming more accessible to people,it is knowable to be the world leading economic sector during this decade.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Speech Recognition using Epochwise Back Propagation
Speech Recognition using Epochwise Back Propagation International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume *– No.*, ___________ 2013 Speech Recognition using the Epochwise Back Propagation through time Algorithm Neelima Rajput S.K.Verma Department of C.S.E. Department of C.S.E. GBPEC, Pauri Gharwal, GBPEC, Pauri Gharwal, Uttrakhand, India. Uttrakhand, India ABSTRACT In this paper, artificial neural networks are used to accomplish the English alphabet speech recognition. The challenging issue in the area of speech recognition is to design an accurate and effective speech recognition system. We implemented a new data classification method, where we use neural networks, which are trained using the calculated epoch values of audio signal. This method gave comparable result to the already implemented neural networks. In this paper, Back propagation neural network architecture used to recognize the time varying input data, and provides better accurate results for the English Alphabet speech recognition. The Epochwise Back Propagation through time (BPTT) algorithm uses the epoch values of input signal to train the network structures and yields the satisfactory results. Keywords Artificial Neural Network, Back Propagation Neural Network, Epoch, Speech Recognition. I INTRODUCTION Speech recognition system enables the machine to understand the human speech and react accordingly. It allows the machine to automatically understand the human spoken utterances with the speech signal processing and pattern recognition. In this approach is the machine converts the voice signal into the suitable text or command through the process of identification and understanding. Speech recognition is emerges as a vast technology in current time. It also plays an important role in information theory, acoustics, phonetics, linguistics, and pattern recognition theory and neurobiology disciplines. speech recognition technology become a key technology in the computer information processing technology as there is rapid advancement in the software, hardware and information technology. The features of input audio signal are compared with the voice template stored in the computer database in speech recognition system by using the computer systems. Recognition results are mainly depends up on the matching techniques used for matching the audio signal characteristics. To improve the recognition rate and better recognition results neural networks are used. A neural network is a powerful tool which used to adapt and represent the complicated input outputs. Neural nets are basically interconnected networks of relatively simple processing units, or nodes that work simultaneously. They are designed to mimic the function of human neuron biological networks. The processing units of neural networks are termed as neurons. A neural network provides better results over the existing approaches in speech recognition systems [1]. 2 BASICS OF NEURAL NETWORKS The basics of neural networks are discussed as follows. There are many different types of neural networks, but they all have four basic and common attributes: †¢ Processing units †¢ Connections †¢ Computing procedure †¢ Training procedure . Processing Units A neural network contains several processing units, which are roughly analogous to neurons in the human brain. All these units activate in parallel and perform the task simultaneously. Processing units are responsible for the overall computation; there is no any other unit for the corporation of their activity. Each processing unit computes a scalar function of all its local inputs at every moment of time and then further broadcast the result to their neighboring units [2]. The units in a neural network are basically classified into input units, which used to receive data from the outside; hidden units, used to internally transform the data; and output units, which serve decisions or target signals. 2.2 Connections All processing units in a neural network are organized in to a defined topology by a set of connections, or weights, shown as lines in a diagram. Each weight consist a real value, which ranging from ∞ to + ∞. The value of a weight represents how much impact a unit has on its neighbor units a positive weight causes one unit to excite another, while a negative weight causes one unit to inhibit another. Weights of the processing units are usually one-directional (from input units towards output units), but it may be two-directional sometimes, especially when there is no distinction between input and output units. Figure 1.Neural network topologies: (a) unstructured, (b) layered, (c) recurrent, (d) modular [3]. The above figure shows the topology of different neural networks. Unstructured Neural Network is mainly used in processor which is operated in parallel to provide the computational power for the speech recognition system. Layered neural net algorithms are self-organizing and their internal speech model maximizes the performance and produces better results comparable to existing systems. Recurrent Neural network are mainly used in pattern sequencing as it follows the sequences changes time to time. Modular neural network are used in designing of complex systems by using simple components. Neural nets offer an approach to computation that mimics biological nervous systems. Algorithms based on neural nets have been proposed to address speech recognition tasks which humans perform with little apparent effort. 2.3 Computation Procedure Computation of neural networks begins after applying an input data to the input units of the network. Then the activation function of all the units is calculated either simultaneously or independently depends upon the structure of the neural network. The computation process in the unstructured network is termed as spreading activation and in layered network is known as forward propagation as it proceed from the input units to the output units. First we compute the net input of the processing unit and then we compute the output activation function of the net input to update a given processing unit. 2.4 Training Procedure Training a network means enable the connections adaptive so that the network shows the actual computational behavior for all the input patterns. In training process usually weights are updated but sometimes the modification of network topology also takes place, i.e., addition and deletion of connections from the network topology [4]. Modification of weight is easy and beneficial than topology modification as a network with bulk connections able to set any of its weight zero, which is equivalent as deleting such weights. 3. RELATED WORK The past research concluded that the use of the neural networks in the speech recognition system provides the better recognition result compared to the other existing approaches. The latest study of neural networks actually started in the 19th century, when neurobiologists first introduce the extensive studies of the human nervous system [5]. Cajal (1892) determined that the nervous system is comprised of some basic units i.e. discrete neurons, which communicate with the other neurons by sending electrical signals down their long axons, which ultimately activated and touch the dendrites(receptive areas) of thousands of other neurons, transmitting the electrical signals through synapses (points of contact, with variable resistance). Firstly, the different kinds of neurons were identified, and then analyze their electrical responses, and finally their patterns of connectivity and the brain’sgross functional areas were mapped out. According to the neurobiologists study the functi onality of individual neurons are quite simple and easy. Whereas to determine how neurons worked together to achieve high level functionality, such as perception and cognition are very difficult.[6] In 1943 McCulloch and Pitts proposed the first enumeration model of a neuron, named as binary threshold unit, whose output was either 0 or 1 depending on whether its net input exceeded a given threshold. There are various approaches proposed by the researchers to design an accurate speech recognition system for various purposes. In [7] Al-Alaoui algorithm is used to train the neural network. This method gives the comparable better results to the already implemented hidden markov model (HMM) for the recognition of the words. This algorithm also overcomes the disadvantages of the HMM in the recognition of sentences. An algorithm based on neural network classifier [8] for speech recognition used a new Viterbi net architecture which is recognized the input patterns and provided an accuracy of recognition rate more than 99% on a large speech database. This system is used for isolated word recognizer. In [9] author accomplishes the isolated word speech recognition using the neural network. The methodology of this approach is to extract the feature of speech signals using the Digital Signal Processing techniques and then classification using the Artificial Neural Network. This algorithm concluded that the better accurate recognition results are obtained from the probalistic Neural Network PNN. In [10] author implemented a pre- trained deep neural network using the hidden markov model (DNN-HMM) hybrid architecture which is used to train the DNN to produce the better recognition results of large vocabulary speech database. 4. PROPOSED WORK Speech recognition using the Epochwise Back propagation through time algorithm is proposed in this paper.In the proposed system neural network training is based on the calculation of epoch of the audio signal and then used these epoch value for the training of the neural network. The input data sets used to train the neural network can be partitioned in to the independent epochs. Each epoch representing a temporal value of the input data. Back propagationneural network used in the system in following steps. First choose and fix the architecture for the network, which will contain input, hidden and output units, all of which will contain sigmoid functions. Assign the weights between all the nodes. The assignments of weights usually between -0.5 and 0.5. Each training example is used, one after another, to re-train the weights in the network. After calculating each epoch for input audio data, a termination condition is checked. In neural network architecture the weights of input and hidden layers are adjusted according to the target output values [11] The input data is considered as E which is propagated through the network so that we can record all the observed values Oi(E) for the output nodes Oi. At the same time, we record all the observed values hi(E) for the hidden nodes. Then, for each output unit Ok, we calculate its epoch as follows: (1) The epoch terms from the output units are used to calculate epoch terms for the hidden units. In fact, this method gets its name because we propagate this information backwards through the network [12]. For each hidden unit Hk, we calculate the epoch as follows: (2) Here, we take the epoch term for every output unit and multiply it by the weight from hidden unit Hk to the output unit. We then add all these together and multiply the sum by hk(E)*(1 hk(E)). Having calculated all the epoch values associated with each unit (hidden and output), we can now transfer this information into the weight changes ÃŽâ€ij between units i and j. The calculation is as follows: for weights wij between input unit Ii and hidden unit Hj, and summation of all units are as: (3) Back Propagation Neural Network architecture is shown in below figure Fig.2 Back propagation Neural Network The main steps of this system are defined as follows. Read the input audio Signal. Extract the epoch values Train the neural network on the basis of epoch values. Applied the back propagation neural network for the classification. Matching the input data with the trained data. Recognized the input. The data flow diagram of the proposed system represented in given figure C Figure 2 Proposed approaches for Speech Recognition 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The experiment conducted on the audio database of English alphabets. Matlab R2010a (Math works) in Windows 7 was used to implement the proposed algorithm. The input signal is used to calculate the epoch values and then by using calculated epoch values the neural network is trained.The epoch rate of multi-layered networks over a training set could be calculated as the number of miss-classified data values. There are many output nodes, all of which could potentially misfire (e.g., giving a value close to 1 when it should have output 0 and vice-versa), we can be more sophisticated in our epoch evaluation. In practice the overall network epoch is calculated as: This is not as complicated as it first appears. The calculation simply involves working out the difference between the observed output for each output unit and the target output and squaring this to make sure it is positive, then adding up all these squared differences for each output unit and for each input signal. The calculated epoch values for audio signal A is listed in tabular form. Table: 1 Calculated Epoch values for input data Then epoch values are basically instant of significant excitation of the vocal-tract system during production of speech. Table 1 represented the Epoch values for the input English alphabet A in terms of time in mili seconds. These epoch values are stored in the computer for the further matching by using the neural networks to the recognition purpose. Similarly, epoch values are calculated for each input English alphabet and then train the network through these input patterns and stored in the system for recognition Figure 3 Performance graphs of epoch values. The figure 3 shows the performance of the system based on epoch values. The best validation performance epoch value is selected from the different epoch on the basis of Mean Square error. The graph is plotted on epoch and means squared error values. Table: 2 Performance of the proposed system In Table: 2 the recognition rate is calculated for five input English alphabet which is 98.8%. The new proposed Epochwise Back propagation through time algorithm yields the satisfactory results. 6. CONCLUSION In this paper, we implemented the Epochwise Back propagation through the time varying epoch calculation. The experiment is conducted on the small set of English Language alphabet to calculate the recognition rate of the system. Some different sound samples (i.e., with different sampling frequency) of each alphabet are taken and used for testing the system. The above results show the performance of our proposed algorithm in speech recognition. 7. REFERENCES Jianliang Meng, Junwei Zhang,Haoquan Zhao, â€Å"Overview of the speech Recognition Technology†, 2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences. L. Fausset, Fundamentals of Neural Networks. PrenticeHall Inc., 1994, ch 4. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019
Those Winter Sundays Essay -- Literary Analysis, Robert Hayden
Distance is a problem in many homes whether it be through emotional distance or physical Distance or it may just be that the word love is not spoken enough, in both Robert Hayden’s poem â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†and Rita Dove’s â€Å"Daystar†is a distant parent are they selfish or mean or is the love they do show just not understood? In Robert Hayden’s poem â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†show that children have a hard time understanding why a parent is distant the speaker says â€Å"Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on/ in the blueblack cold,†(Line 1-2) the father even gets up very early on Sundays as in the â€Å"blueblack cold†the speaker seems to not understand why the father does this why does he get up so early day after day? He seems to ask himself. The speaker observes that â€Å" †¦With cracked hands the ached from labor in the weekday weather/ banked fires blazed†(Line 3-5) the father works hard for his family his hands are cracked and sore and he still gets up earlier then the rest of his family and makes the fire blaze to warm the house for them. Distant parents even if they mean well and try to convey their love to their families through actions or deeds as the speaker states â€Å"No one ever thanked him†the father not seen as loving to the child. (Line 5) The speaker says â€Å"I will rise and dress, fearing the chronic angers of that house,†there is usually a lot of tension and fear in a house hold with bad communication skills, the mother and father may fight or argue often or the distant parent if not both of them may be angry that the child does not understand their love and compassion The children grow to be uncaring and unresponsive to the actions that the parents do for the family as the speake... ...e that was hers for an hour†(Line 16-20) when they are making love she day dreams of her time with her self and the only thing she has is her thoughts she has no desire to love her husband as the speaker explains she thinks of the place â€Å"where she [is] nothing, pure nothing, in the middle of the day.†(Line 20-22) In Robert Hayden’s poem â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†there is a father who loves his cild and does kind things for his family he works hard getting up early everyday and â€Å"No one ever thanked him†(Hayden Line 5) and in Rita Dove’s â€Å"Daystar†there is the mother who is deeply depressed and is not happy with the life she has she is unhappy was being a mother and goes through the motions of everyday life because she has to as a mother. Children never benefit from distance in the home they rarely understand it and they never feel loved.
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